Monday, July 27, 2009

George Washington

I guess George Washington is Sincere's new favorite president. First it was Obama, then JFK and now Washington. That's an impressive list. :)

In January (old video on here) we got Sincere a president fandax because we know he has a really good memory (which trust makes it hard for me sometimes) and thought it would be funny to see him say stuff like Martin Van Buren and Richard Nixon at 2 years old. And it was funny. He learned 10 right away and every so often we gave him a couple more and he would just add them to the ones he knew. His memory is so much better then mine that I actually have to check if he said the right name because I don't know them.

He now knows all 44 presidents. He knows most of them by heart without the picture but he starts trailing as his attention is directed on a dust ball floating by. It has taken me a while to get the video because getting Sincere to pay attention for a chunk of time on one activity (besides trains) is hard work. Plus I had to wrangle him, flip the cards and hold the camera. Harder then it sounds. But here it is Sincere at 2 years and 8 months going the list of presidents.

Also listen for the Andrew Jackson/Michael Jackson joke that he thinks is really funny. Its fun to watch his sense of humor and level of jokes grow. He comes up with some pretty funny jokes now. Enjoy!

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