Wednesday, July 30, 2008

His Numbers

So I have been trying to get Sincere and his numbers for more than a
month. Every time I pull out the camera he stops so its been difficult.
But I managed to get enough footage for a small montage of him
recognizing his numbers and counting. Its a bit long because its my
first montage but my favorite parts are the counting in the bathtub at
the beginning and the last part of him counting with the
Elmo where he whispers his numbers at the top of the stairs. It took me a month of being a paparazzi to get some footage.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sincere Doing Colors and Opposites

Sincere has been doing colors and opposites from one of his favorite
books. He knows and can say several colors. Sincere being who his
usually stops when the camera comes out but we got him at least
pointing to the colors. LOL! He also does opposites- open/close,
big/small, up/down, etc. So we got some video on that too. Working on
getting the numbers on tape but he likes to get silly when the camera
is out. I will try to get that on a sneaky tip soon. Meanwhile enjoy
thislittle video.