Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Singing in Spanish

Sincere's favorite song to sing is the Thomas Theme Song. He could happily sing that all day long as long as you don't try to join him. He is a solo act and he isn't looking to join a group.

They sing at school so now Sincere has at least 10 Spanish songs he can sing. Half the time I don't know what the words mean but I can usually pick out words like "casa" "hola" "nino" but that's about it. LOL!

This video was from about the first week of April but since I haven't posted (or videotaped much) in a LONG time and I don't want to abandon the blog I decided to post it. Sincere has a couple cool tricks that I have been wanting to capture once things stop being so CRAZY over here.

In the meantime enjoy the stylings of Sincere One. Funny parts to watch for- him telling me to open my eyes because I was super tired, him telling how to clap for him and all of his lovely show stealing high notes. What? I have to teach the kid some showmanship. :)

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