Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Phonics and words

Sincere has been able to sound out words for a while now. We begin doing phonics with him about 17 months after he learned the alphabet. After Sincere had the letters down it picked up the sounds right away. Then we worked on sight words and then phonics. I don't know if that is the order you supposed to do it in but oh well. LOL! Sometimes he will guess at a word but if I slow him down and tell him to sound it out he gets the word. He has figured out some tough words when we are out in public.

I just realized in the video when he says dog he does a downward dog. LOL! And when he isn't paying attention in the middle of the video I held up a piece of Christmas candy to get his attention. Bad mommy. :)

The other video is longer and is just some older video of Sincere working on sounds and words on Starfall.

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