Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reading Funny Words

We have been writing down words on cards from books Sincere loves, food he eats
or words he sees all the time and Sincere has been reading them. So the other day I stuck in two funny words into his cards and after a couple times he picked them. So this morning I captured him on video tape reading a couple of the words he knows.

One of the funny words he sees all the time (hint- Its Obama) and he normally does a little fist pump with it but I will have to get that on another video. The other word he sees all the time because mommy loves it.LOL!

The video cut off towards the end so I had to start recording again.


Netty said...

OMGosh Nicole, Sincere is so ridiculously cute and SMART! This is the first time I've checked out your blog and I had to watch ALL of them (okay, I was pumping while I read them, but what better entertainment could one ask for?).

Thanks for sharing your gorgeous son!

BranDi said...

Hi Nicole, its BranDi Jameela's friend. Sincere is so cute and smart! You have to tell me how I can get Anthony to start reading like that.