Monday, January 26, 2009

Some More Reading

We haven't really been working on the reading this month because its been super busy. But he is still working his way down his reading list and we are currently on story number 5 on the list. I captured this video today of the last book he finished, Mox the Fox. We are now onto Gus the Duck which should be fun since there is a bug in the story and Sincere is scared of bugs. LOL!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

In Honor of the Inauguration

Sincere would like to present to you the last 10 presidents!!!

Like 2 weeks ago we were in Barnes and Nobles and I spotted this President Fandax. Sincere is good with names and faces so I thought this might be a fun party trick. I am always looking for new ways to entertain guests. Well he has been picking them up quickly. Funny things from behind the scenes (consider this your bonus material on the dvd). Sincere calls the first George Bush, Herbert Bush in order to avoid confusion with the second. But his original name for him the first time we went through the cards was Rat Bush. I kid you not. Out of the mouth of babes. :)

He kept calling Richard Nixon "scccaaarryyy" I don't know why put he was scared of him. He says Jimmy Carter like he is talking about the tv show "Welcome Back Carter" and insists on saying Lyndon Johnson's name in a high pitched voice. I just report the facts I don't even question.